Project information

  • Category: Command Line App
  • Project name: MCQ-test
  • Project date: October, 2022
  • Github URL: Code

portfolio detail

My contribution on the project :

  • This is the project outcome of the Summative Assessment for the Programming Foundation (PFS) module. I completed this project independently, applying the skills and knowledge I acquired in Java from this module.

Project Detail: MCQ-test
  • This is a project from the Programming Foundation (PFS) module at Lithan Educlaas. The project involves creating a command-line based application that handles multiple-choice questions (MCQ) with two choices per question.
  • After entering the user's name, the application proceeds to present a series of questions, each having four options: A, B, C, or D.
  • If the user selects the wrong option, they will be prompted to enter the correct one.
  • Once the process of answering the questions is completed, the final score will be calculated.