Project information

  • Category: Desktop application
  • Project name: Rapid Upper Limbs Assessment (RULA) App
  • Project date: June, 2023
  • Github URL:

portfolio detail

My contribution on the project :

  • This project is a standalone desktop application that I built on my own. I utilized my skills and knowledge in programming using Java Swing to develop this application.

Project Detail: Rapid Upper Limbs Assessment (RULA) App

Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) is a systematic ergonomic assessment method used to evaluate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) associated with the upper limbs and neck. It is commonly used to assess and analyze the risk factors that may contribute to MSDs in tasks or jobs that involve repetitive or prolonged use of the arms, shoulders, and neck. i built this app using Java Swing

The RULA assessment process involves the following steps:

  1. Observation: The assessor observes the worker performing the task, taking note of the posture, movements, and any potential risk factors.
  2. Analysis: The assessor breaks down the task into specific phases or postures to identify problematic movements and positions.
  3. Scoring: Each identified posture or movement is assigned a score based on its potential risk level for causing MSDs.
  4. Evaluation: The scores are then used to determine the overall risk level of the task.
  5. Recommendations: Based on the evaluation, recommendations are provided to improve the ergonomics and reduce the risk of MSDs. These recommendations may include changes to the workstation, tools, or work methods.